I wrote this Lesson Note – Nursery 1 First Term Mathematics Week 4 based on the Nigerian National Early Childhood Education Curriculum. Particularly, I used the Pre-Primary Teaching Schemes that the Education Resource Centre, Abuja developed. However, this scheme is the same as those of the other 36 states’ education resource development centre. Nonetheless, I only crosschecked this topic in that of Lagos, Kano and FCT only. Regardless, this lesson note is suitable for use in any Nigerian school that adopts the National Curriculum.

NOTE:  I wrote and extensive on the latest 9-Year Basic Education National Curriculum. If you haven’t read that, click here to read it up. Also, if you need any scheme of work based on the latest 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum, chat me up on WhatsApp for it.

Complete Lesson Objectives

As with the rest of our notes, the primary focus of this lesson note is to present an enriched content for the topic. This lesson note, also like the rest, provide guide for teachers on how to deliver the content to attain the topic objectives. In this regard, I adopt the modern teaching style in Mathematics as NERDC specified

Unlike most lesson notes you may find around which focuses majorly on cognition, I brought out and set objectives to cover other domains of education – affective and psychomotor. This is to ensure a balanced learning experience for the learners. For as Dr Emmanuel Atanda of the Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin wrote – in his Curriculum Development Study Guide for students in Postgraduate programme in Education – no student can be said to have learned anything if the three domains of educational objectives are not taken into consideration.

Click here to Learn how to set Lesson Objectives professionally

How to adapt Lesson Note – Nursery 1 Third Term Mathematics Week 3 into Lesson Plan

I wrote this lesson note in outline of standard lesson plans. However, I advise teachers that want to use this notes for official purpose – i.e. to create their lesson plans which they will submit to their supervisors – to follow this guideline to writing standard lesson plan. To make it faster, click here to get my lesson plan template for N300 only or click here to chat with me on WhatsApp.

REMARK: If you find the terms lesson plan and lesson notes confusing, quickly read this article on their differences.

Lesson Note – Nursery 1 Third Term Mathematics Week 4

Class: Nursery One

Term: First

Week: 4

Subject: Mathematics/Number Work


  • Counting 1 – 10
  • Recognition of numbers 1 – 5
  • Making patterns – crescent shapes making – concave and convex


At the end of the lesson, the pupils should have attained the following:

    • Cognitive:
      • Count numbers 1 – 10
      • Identify numbers 1 – 5
      • identify the three straight line patterns in writing.
      • differentiate between the lines
    • Psychomotor:
      • Point at named number between 1 and 5
      • Pick up to 10 items from a lot
      • Shade numbers in an anti-clockwise direction
      • arrange sticks into vertical, horizontal and standing position to form net or a mesh.
    • Affective
      • Demonstrate/internalize the concept of numerical values of numbers 1 – 10
      • Show organization skills in taking care of their properties – pets and the likes

Previous Knowledge

The pupils had in the previous lesson learned the following:

    • Meaning of numbers
    • How to count numbers 1 – 5
    • Identification of numbers 0 through 4

Instructional Materials

    1. Screen & Video illustration of number 0 through 10 – Rhyme Bus channel on YouTube
    2. Number models – plastic, metallic or cardboard cut-outs – consisting of several 1’s through 9’s including 0’s
    3. Stand counters of 10 counters
    4. A bundle pack and one for each pupil – a pack that can contain exactly 10 counters, not more. 10-beads Abacus will do as well.
    5. Several counters – bottle covers, blocks, pebbles, etc. packed into a (an improvised) container. The counters should be up to 5 for each pupil.
    6. Chalk/Marker and black/white board
    7. Number charts of 1 – 5; and that of 1 – 10.
    8. Education Resource Centre. (2014). FCT Nursery Teaching Scheme. Abuja: Education Resource Centre.
    9. Kano Education Resource Department. (2016). Pre-Primary Schemes of work. Kano: Kano Education Resource Department.
    10. Lagos State Ministry of Education. (2016). Early Childhood Care Education Scheme (Mathematics). Lagos: Lagos State Ministry of Education.
    11. Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC). (2012). Mathematics Teachers’ Guide for the Revised 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum (BEC). Yaba, Lagos: Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC).


The teacher delivers the lesson as in the following steps:


To introduce the topic, the teacher does the following:

  1. Orally asks questions based on the previous lesson:
  2. What we say or write to tell people how many things we have is called ___

(a) Number

(b) Story

  1. How many numbers do we have?

(a) 2

(b) Many

  • Every number has different name and how to write it

(a) Yes

(b) No

  1. What is nothing (in local dialect) in English?

(a) Zero

(b) One

  1. (Show them number 3 model/card and ask): What is the name of this number?

(a) 3

(b) 4

  1. 2 and 4 which is greater?

(a) 2

(b) 4

  • Who can show us how to write number 4? Allow willing pupil to demonstrate on air or sand
  • Who can count from 1 to 5? Allow willing pupil to count
  1. Pick some sweets and ask: how many sweets do I have in my hands?
  2. How many eyes does a dog has?
  3. Display the number chart and ask: who can come over to the board and touch/point at number 5? Allow willing pupil to do
  • What is 5 in (local) dialect?
  • Bayo (a pupil), please go to my desk. Pick two markers. Bring it to me.
  • Everyone, take your Lego (improvised counter) pack. (A row or pupil at a time) come over here. Pick 5 blocks/balls/counters. Go back to your seat(s).
  1. The teacher thence shows the pupils large painted number design and leads them to identify the number. Afterwards, s/he tells them that they shall also create their painted number designs. The teacher continues that before then however; they will learn some new numbers.
  2. Following that, s/he explains that before they learn the new numbers; they have to revise the numbers they have already learned. Therefore, the teacher revises the previous lessons by explaining the following:
    1. A number is what tells us how many things we have.
    2. There are many numbers because we can have many things.
  • Each of the many numbers has its special name and way it is written
  1. Teacher displays chart of numbers 1 – 5, names a number and require a
    pupil to come point at it on the chart.
  2. Zero is a number. Zero means nothing (repeat in dialect). This is number zero. (Demonstrate) Let’s write number zero on air/sand.
  3. One is a number. One means ____ (in dialect). (Show model and say) This is number one. (Demonstrate) Let’s write number one on air/sand.
  • Two is a number. Two means _____ (in dialect). (Show model and say) This is number two. (Demonstrate) Let’s write number two on air/sand. Let’s sing: There are two black birds – one, two, go! (Teacher leads)
  • Three is a number. Three means _____ (in dialect). (Show model and say) This is number three. (Demonstrate) Let’s write number zero on air/sand.
  1. Four is a number. Four means _________ (in dialect). (Show model and say) This is number four.
  2. Five is a number. Five means _________ (in dialect). (Show model and say) This is number five.
  3. Concept of the value of number six (6) – ten (10)

    Subsequent to the revision of numbers 1 to 5 as outlined above, the teacher proceeds to number six as in the following steps.

    Number Six

    1. The teacher directs each pupil to count 5 counters from the pack – as in the last
      exercise under introduction – question 14.
    2. Thereafter, the teacher confirms the number of counters with each pupil.
    • Following this, the teacher explains to the pupils that if one already has 5 items and gets one more – s/he distributes one counter to the pupils; then we say the person now has 6.
    1. Thereafter, the teacher explains that the number six is the next number after number five. S/he shows the pupils number six model and/or writes it on the board and explains that we write six as 6 – the teacher may lead the pupils to write the number six on air/sand. S/he pronouncessix and makes the pupils to repeat after him/her – several times.
    2. If resources are available, the teacher may show the pupils number 6 video illustration.

    NOTE: The teacher may emphasize or reiterate the explanations in local dialect.

    Number Seven

    1. After the teacher has taught number six, the s/he explains to the pupils that if one already has 6 items and get one more – s/he distributes one counter to the pupils; then we say the person now has 7.
    2. Thereafter, the teacher explains that the number seven is the next number after number six. S/he shows the pupils number seven model and/or writes it on the board then explains that we write six as 6 – the teacher may lead the pupils to write the number seven on air/sand. S/he pronouncesseven and makes the pupils to repeat after him/her – several times.
    • If resources are available, the teacher may show the pupils number 7 video illustration.

    Number Eight (8) & Nine (9)

    The teacher repeats the explanation for number six and seven for numbers eight and nine.

    Concept of Bundles

    After the teacher has finished teaching and explaining the numbers 0 – 9, s/he tells the pupils that those are the numbers there is.

    S/he thereafter tells the pupils that we however usually have more things than these numbers 0 – 9. The teacher continues that once the number of a thing is one more than 9 – i.e. if one already has 9 and then gets one more – then we say the person has a bundle.

    The teacher demonstrates this by arranging ten bottle covers (or the available counters) into the improvised container of ten. Thereafter, the teacher distributes the improvised pack to the pupils. After that, the teacher demonstrates and directs the pupils to gradually arrange the nine counters in their possession into the pack. Once, the teacher and the pupils have done this, the teacher asks whether the pack is filled – or if one more of the counter can still be added. Since one more counter can still be added, the teacher distributes one more counter to the pupils. Then taking his/hers, the teacher demonstrates and directs the pupils to fill their pack with the one counter.

    Number 10

    Once the teacher and every pupil has filled their pack and probably covered it, the teacher tells the pupils that the pack is known as a bundle. Hence, the teacher explains further that a bundle therefore is 10. This also means that the next number after 9 is 10. The teacher shows the pupils number ten model and/or writes it on the board then explains that we write six as 10 (1 and 0) to mean one bundle and nothing.  S/he explains that we write the number ten in such a way that the 1 and 0 are not far from each other – the teacher may lead the pupils to write the number ten on air/sand. S/he pronounces ten and makes the pupils to repeat after him/her – several times.

    If resources are available, the teacher may show the pupils number 10 video illustration and sing number rhymes with them.

    Stage Evaluation Questions

    Before proceeding to the other part of the lesson, the teacher assesses the pupils’

    understanding of the concept of numbers 1 – 10. S/he does this by giving the pupils the

    following oral exercises:

    1. The teacher asks the pupils how many counters they have altogether.
    2. The number after 5 is __________
    3. Seven is a number. What is seven in ______ (name local) language?
    4. Ten is a number. Ten means 1 bundle and nothing. Who can come and touch/point at number 10 on the chart?
    5. Now I give 7 pencils to Aliyu – teacher does this practically. If I add one more pencil to Aliyu like this – teacher does this practically, how many pencils has Aliyu now?

    NOTE: Teacher may re-ask or explain questions in local dialect.


    After the teacher had finished explaining the concept of the values of number one – ten and the pupils have answered the stage evaluation questions; s/he revises the numbers 1 – 10 all over again. The teacher focuses on helping the pupils to identify the numbers, their names and symbols (how each is written) as well as to understand the concept of the value of each.

    I.         Counting Exercises

    General counting with stand counters

    After the revision, the teacher leads the pupils into general counting:

    He or she puts up the stand of two counter. Then sliding each counter to the other side, s/he together with the pupils, counts until the counters finish from one side. The teacher repeats this by sliding each counter back to the original position and again – several times. The teacher may invite willing pupils to lead the counting by sliding the counters as the entire class counts.

    Group and Individual Counting

    After the general counting, the teacher further strengthens the pupil’s memorization of the names and order of numbers through group counting.

    • The teacher groups the pupils into pairs
    • Going to each group and while watch and follow, the teacher counts different number of counters for each pupil
    • The teacher directs each pupil to count differently given number out of his or her counter and give it to the partner
    • Individual pupil counts the new number of counters in their possession and tells the teacher
    • The teacher confirms the number then make the pupils to repeat the process – exchange some counters and count

    Oral Counting without Counters

    After the pupils are able to count very well with the counters, the teacher directs them to put the counters away. Then s/he leads them to count orally without using the counters. The teacher and the pupils do this several times. S/he may invite different willing pupils to lead the oral counting as well.

    Number Rhymes

    Prior to continuing with the lesson, the teacher makes numbers 1 – 5 into rhymes and leads the pupils to recite it. If resources are available, the teacher displays and narrates the video before and as the class sings the rhymes.

    Recommended Rhyme (Cross-curricular):
    1. There are two black birds
    2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • 1,2 Buckle My Shoes (up to 9,10)

    Henceforth, the rhyme shall be sung at regular intervals throughout the duration of the lesson/week.


    The teacher may assess the individual pupil’s counting ability by:

    1. Asking them to orally count from a number that s/he states to another. E.g. count 1 to 10.
    2. Sending them to go and fetch a given number of item for him/her
    3. Asking them to count the number of a given item
      1. This is your fingers (reiterates in local dialect), how many fingers do you have?
      2. How many people are sitting on this row?
      3. (Provided there are no more than 10 desks) How many desks do we have in this class?
      4. Count the fans, how many fans do we have in this class?
      5. How many children are in your family – if you are in a polygamous society such as the northern region where members of a family may exceed 10, you should rather ask how many children does your mother has?

Recognition of the symbols of Numbers 1 – 4

After the counting exercises, the teacher reminds the pupils that each of the numbers has its own way that we write it. Thus, s/he explains that they are now going to learn how to we write 2 more numbers in addition to the 3 they already know. The teacher first of all revises the symbols of numbers 0 – 4.

Consequently, the teacher starts from zero and forth; explains that:

  • Zero is a number. Zero means nothing. And we write zero as 0. The teacher shows the pupils number 0 model then writes it on the board and leads pupils to write on air or sand.
  • One is a number. One means ________ (in local dialect). And we write one as 1. The teacher shows the pupils number 1 model then writes it on the board and leads pupils to write on air or sand.
  • Two is a number. Two means ________ (in local dialect). And we write two as 2. The teacher shows the pupils number 2 model then writes it on the board and leads pupils to write on air or sand.
  • Three is a number. Three means ________ (in local dialect). And we write three as 3. The teacher shows the pupils number 3 model then writes it on the board and leads pupils to write on air or sand.
  • Four is a number. Four means ________ (in local dialect). And we write four as 4. The teacher shows the pupils number 4 model then writes it on the board and leads pupils to write on air or sand.
  • Five is a number. Five means ______ (in local dialect). And we write five as 5.

Succeeding the explanation, the teacher writes, displays or projects numbers 1 – 5, serially on the board/screen or uses the large number chart of 1 – 5, then points at each number and asks the pupils to name the number – then in reverse (and randomly), the teacher calls the name of a number then invites pupils to points at each.

The teacher may call the local names of numbers and asks pupils to mention the English equivalents.

Following this, the teacher uses the number chart of 1 – 5, and lead the counting once again – several times. S/he may invite pupils to come, point at the numbers and lead the counting.


The teacher evaluates the pupils’ ability to recognize the numbers through physical exercise thus:

S/he places different number of counters into the boxes. Then gives the boxes to the pupils with the number models or cardboard number cut-outs. Thereafter, the teacher directs the pupils to open up each of the boxes, count the number of items in the boxes and then pick the corresponding number model/cut-out and place on/inside the boxes with the counters.

The teacher moves round or collects the boxes, confirms the counters and the number model/cut-out that is in it. S/he provides feedback to the pupils immediately and personally – if a child gets any right, praise the heartily; if a child gets any wrong, praise the child heartily for the right answers and give the wrong ones as next target.

Pattern Making – Crescent Shape Making – Concave and Convex

In the final part of the week’s lesson, the teacher teaches the pupils how to correctly hold pencils to form concave and convex shapes.

For directions on this, see our Pre-Writing Lesson Notes for Week 4.

NOTE: It is not necessary to reserve this shading activity until the last part of the lesson. The teacher may give the exercises as soon as the first day and it may last throughout the week.


The teacher assesses the pupils understanding of the lesson by giving them the following exercises.

Exercise 1: Oral counting

The teacher asks the pupils (either individually or in small groups) to count numbers 1 – 10.

Count 1 – 10

Go to the playground. Pick 10 stones. Bring it to me.

Clap 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9,10

Raise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers

Sing 1,2 Buckle my shoes

Exercise 2: Recognition of numbers 1 – 5

  • The teacher uses a number chart or a handwritten numbers 1 – 5; points at each number and ask individual pupil to name it – then the reverse.
  • The teacher calls the local names of numbers and demands pupils to mention the English equivalents.
  • The teacher gives the pupils the matching exercise contained in Activity Book. Point at/touch number:
    • four
    • two
    • five
    • one
    • three
    • zero

Exercise 3: Numerical Values

  • Teacher collects some items (recommended is biscuit or sweet); divides the items into two groups – one being more than the other.
  • The teacher asks pupils to count each group; thereafter, reminds the pupil the number of each group, then asks the pupils to pick either the smaller or greater.
  • Then the teacher gives the corresponding exercise in the activity book.
  1. Which is greater?
  2. 7 and 6
  3. 8 and 7
  4. 5 and 9
  5. 8 and 9
  6. 10 and 2
  7. Count and circle the greater/lesser
  8. Fill in missing number
  9. Arrange from smallest to biggest (vice versa)

Conclusion of Lesson Note – Nursery 1 First Term Mathematics Week 4

The teacher concludes the lesson by recording pupils’ performance and if necessary, providing feedback to the parents for needed home assistance including suggesting/giving them the video clips for their children.

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